Working with Layers

Arranging Layers and Objects

Layers and objects stack one over another while you are adding them to the document. The stacking order of objects on the canvas is identical to the order in the Layers panel. If two objects overlap on the canvas, then the same object would be the upper on the canvas and in the list. This was discussed in the Layout Basics section.

The order of items in the Layers panel is important because it defines whether each individual object or layer should be behind or in front of another one. The Layers panel helps you reorder layers and objects.

The Layers panel

The Initial Order of Objects

When you add (e.g., draw, paste or import) an object to the design that contains other objects, they appear one over another forming a stack. The order of objects in the stack is defined by one of two possible methods:

Change the Order of Layers

To reorder layers, drag a layer to a new position in the list.

You can also use drag and dropping to place a layer inside another layer or to move a sublayer outside its parent layer.

Change the Order of Objects

To reorder objects, drag an object to a new position in the list.

An alternative way to change the order of objects is to use buttons in the Layers panel.

The Arrange buttons in the Layers panel

The two buttons on the left move an object one step up or down the list. Another two buttons on the right place an object at the top or at the bottom of the list.

The same functions are present in the Geometry panel.

Move an Object to Another Layer

You can move objects between layers. To do this, drag and drop an object from one layer to another. You can also select several objects on the canvas, then grab them in the Layers panel and drag them together to a new location in the list.

Another way is to cut an object. Activate a destination layer and then paste the copied object.